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1.4 Project description This section of the NTS provides an outline description of the design of the infrastructure and activities associated with the construction, operations and maintenance, and decommissioning of the Morgan Generation Assets. It is important to note that the Morgan Generation Assets are in the early stages of the development process, therefore the project description is indicative and has been designed to include flexibility to accommodate further project refinement during detailed design, post consent. Offshore wind is a continually evolving industry with a constant focus on cost reduction, therefore improvements in technology and construction methodologies occur frequently and flexibility is required to allow for the adoption of new technology and methods.

1.4.2 Infrastructure overview The Morgan Array Area (i.e. the area within which the offshore wind turbines (up to 107) and OSPs will be located) is 322.2km2 in area and is located 22.3km (12nm) from the Isle of Man coastline, and 36.3km (19.6nm) from the northwest coast of England (when measured from Mean High Water Springs (MHWS)). The Morgan Array Area is located wholly within English offshore waters (beyond 12nm from the English coast) (Figure 1.1). The key components of the Morgan Generation Assets include: Offshore wind turbines Foundations (for wind turbines and OSPs) Inter-array cables linking the individual wind turbines to the OSPs Scour protection for foundations and cables where required High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) transmission system components including:

  • OSPs
  • Offshore interconnector cable(s) between the OSPs. Construction of the Morgan Generation Assets is anticipated to commence in 2026 and the project to be fully operational by 2030 in order to provide a vital contribution to the UK Government’s renewable energy targets.

1.4.3 Pre-construction site investigation surveys In addition to the work carried out to date, pre-construction site investigation surveys will be undertaken to provide detailed information on seabed conditions and to identify the presence/absence of any potential obstructions or hazards. Pre-construction site investigation surveys are likely to include geophysical and geotechnical surveys which will be conducted within, and in the vicinity of, the footprint of the wind turbines and OSPs.

1.4.4 Wind turbines The Morgan Generation Assets will consist of up to 107 wind turbines, with the final number of wind turbines determined during the post-consent detailed design phase (see Table 1.1). The wind turbines will follow the traditional wind turbine design with a horizontal rotor axis with three blades.

1.4.5 Offshore Substation Platforms The OSPs will contain the equipment required to transform electricity generated at the wind turbines to a higher voltage for transportation onshore. They may also house secondary equipment and facilities for operating, maintaining and controlling the OSP. They are likely to have one or more decks, a helicopter platform, cranes and communication antenna. Up to four separate OSPs will be required and they will all be located within the Morgan Array Area. The exact locations will be determined during the post-consent detailed design phase. Locations will take into account the ground conditions and the most efficient cable routing amongst other considerations. OSPs are generally constructed by installing the foundation structure, then the substation itself will be lifted from a transport vessel/barge onto the foundation.

1.4.6 Foundations for wind turbines and OSPs The wind turbines and OSPs will be attached to the seabed by foundation structures. The Applicant requires flexibility in foundation choice to ensure that anticipated changes in available technology can be accommodated within the Morgan Generation Assets final design. The foundation types that are being considered for the Morgan Generation Assets are shown in Table 1.2 and Figure 1.3 to Figure 1.6. Table 1.2: Foundation options for wind turbines and OSPs

Foundation optionWind turbinesOSPs
Maximum number of structures1074
Pin piled 3-legged JacketYesYes
Pin piled 4-legged JacketYesYes
Pin piled 6-legged JacketNoYes
Suction bucket 3-legged JacketYesYes
Suction bucket 4-legged JacketYesYes
Suction bucket 6-legged JacketNoYes
Gravity baseYesYes

1.4.7 Operations and maintenance phase The overall operations and maintenance strategy will be finalised once the operations and maintenance base location and technical specification of the Morgan Generation Assets are known, including wind turbine type and final layout. The operations and maintenance requirements for the Morgan Generation Assets will be set out within an outline Offshore Operation and Maintenance Plan which will be submitted alongside the application for consent.

1.4.8 Decommissioning phase The decommissioning sequence will generally be the reverse of the construction sequence and involve similar types and numbers of vessels and equipment. The Energy Act 2004 requires that a decommissioning plan must be submitted to the Secretary of state for the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero prior to the construction of the Morgan Generation Assets and is typically prepared post-consent. The Decommissioning Plan and programme will be updated during the Morgan Generation Assets’ lifetime to take account of changes in regulations, best practice and new technologies. Wind turbines will be removed and any piled foundations are likely to be cut approximately 1m below the seabed.