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1.5 Site selection and alternatives

1.5.1 Overview The Applicant has undertaken a site selection process to identify the location of the Morgan Generation Assets infrastructure. The aim was to identify sites that are environmentally acceptable, deliverable and consentable, whilst also enabling the benefits in the long term of the lowest energy cost to be passed to the consumer. The process has taken account of environmental, physical, technical, commercial, and social considerations and opportunities as well as engineering requirements. Each stage of the site selection process forms part of an iterative design process undertaken to identify the most suitable locations and configuration for the Morgan Generation Assets.

1.5.2 Identification of the Morgan Array Area TCE launched the Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 process in 2019. The Northern Wales and Irish Sea Bidding Area was one of four Bidding Areas identified by TCE through the Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4 process. The Morgan Array Area was identified from within the Northern Wales and Irish Sea Bidding Area. The Morgan Array Area extent was limited to the south by the Mona Agreement for Lease (AfL) area, which was awarded prior to the Morgan AfL area as part of Offshore Leasing Round 4. The Morgan Array Area was limited to the west by the extent of the North Wales and Irish Sea bidding area and the Isle of Man territorial waters. The Morgan Array Area extent was limited to the east by the presence of existing oil and gas infrastructure associated with the North Morecambe and Dalton fields. The Morgan Array Area extent was also limited to the east by the project decision to maintain a 10km offset from the Liverpool Bay SPA. Further refinements to the Morgan Array Area will be undertaken between PEIR and application submission. The final Morgan Array Area will be described in detail within the Environmental Statement that will accompany the application for consent.

1.5.3 Next steps The Applicant will continue to develop and refine the project design as it progresses towards the final application for Development Consent and beyond this as it moves towards construction. The Morgan Generation Assets are currently at Stage 4 in the design process. Up to this point, the Applicant has engaged with a range of stakeholders in refining the project and identifying suitable options among the alternatives considered. As the Morgan Generation Assets progress past the statutory consultation stage, the Applicant will continue engagement with stakeholders, via the Expert Working Groups (EWGs) and other consultation as appropriate. The Applicant will continue to keep stakeholders informed about the project design as it continues to evolve, and the selection process for preferred options where they remain in consideration.